From Classroom to Construction Site: Adam’s Journey as Quantity Surveyor

While searching for full-time/summer work, Adam discovered White Associates (WA) and was immediately attracted to the diverse projects they offered. Despite his third-year construction degree being in full swing, Adam felt his workload wasn’t challenging enough and thought, why not get a head-start on his career too? This prompted his decision to join the Cadet programme at WA while continuing his full-time studies.

This didn’t come without its challenges, including endless hours spent studying late into the night mixed in with early work mornings. Given the demanding nature of his situation, both he and others had their doubts. Regardless, Adam pushed through and proved everyone wrong. It clearly paid off, as Adam has now moved on from junior quantity surveyor (JQS) to quantity surveyor (QS).

Starting early is really beneficial for your career in the long run, and don’t ever be afraid to jump in and take responsibility.

Challenges aside, he emphasises that there were significant benefits to working and studying simultaneously. “It really helped me grasp the theory a lot better. One day I’d learn the theory at Uni, and the next, I’d be putting it to practice it at work.”

Growing up, Adam always excelled in math and had a quirky habit of spending hours collecting cricket stats. He also took woodworks (a.k.a. construction) in school, which gave him an early introduction to the world of Health & Safety. All this set the stage for his first year at University, where he first encountered quantity surveying – right when it was time to decide his direction in construction.

“The cadetship involved less responsibility and focused more on learning. The exposure was similar to being a JQS, but this time you gradually take on more responsibility, and it’s obviously full-time.” He explains that transitioning from JQS to QS brings continuous added responsibility, more direct communication with various people in the industry (clients, consultants and contractors), and less reliance on associates and senior staff.

Adam enjoys the fun, collaborative environment at White Associates and values the diverse projects he can be a part of, noting how they rapidly enhance his exposure and experience. So far, he’s worked on townhouse developments, prison demolitions, and a data centre. The data centre, in particular, combined with the scale of the project and strict processes that aren’t commonly found in every project.  All of which he views as a significant opportunity for growth.

Outside of Adam’s busy schedule, he continues to indulge in his passion for sports. He is a talented cricket player and has a deep love for watching football, making time for these activities despite his productive work life.

When asked what advice he would give to someone starting their career in quantity surveying, he responds, “if you are in Uni, it is never too early to start your career, if you are prepared to put in the work, then it is never too early.