Redefining our values to power our future

From White Associates’ very beginning in 2005, our business has been built on a values-based platform. In fact, we established our firm partly to chart a new course from doing things ‘the old way’, which our founders Konrad and Graham saw as ineffective. They were determined to do what they thought was right, more than what was just the norm.

This has been the litmus test for everything that has followed over the next nearly 19 years, as White Associates has grown in sustainable and structured ways while staying true to what matters.

Turning 18 was a big moment for us all at White Associates. As part of our 18th birthday celebrations towards the end of last year, it made sense for us to take time to revisit our values to ensure that they continue to drive us forwards; helping us to operate and deliver systematically in ways that our clients value – and that matter to us.

Amid long discussions, we kept circling back to three core values that are at the heart of what we do, how we do it, and what motivates us. These authentic values, which are already being lived by our team, comprise:


To us, collaboration is all about sharing knowledge with each other and our clients to achieve project success together. “Collaboration involves working together to ensure better outcomes through reflection and continuous improvement,” says Justin Maritz, “as well as two-way leadership and 360′ feedback. By seeking perspectives from different departments, roles, companies, and projects, we involve and apply specialist skills collaborating to achieve the best results.”

Justin adds that collaboration is already alive and well within our business. “Not only is it in our departmental and team meetings across the disciplines we practice, but also in our team-wide workshops and how we share information across departments. Mentoring partnerships and cadet Q&A sessions also share knowledge, as do the thought leadership articles, we find, create, and share on social media and internally.”


This intensely human value is something that really emerged during the Covid years, when we realised how important – and powerful – connection is to each of us as people and in our work to be an effective team. Since then, says Darin Bayer, “understanding the power of connections has enabled our people to embrace flexibility and build strength in our diverse workplace.

“Our culture of autonomy entrusts all team members to enjoy responsibility and take ownership of their work, knowing development and support is available.

“Making this value of connection prominent helps us to support our people in building diverse and long-lasting relationships, as well as empowering strong and trusting work-related connections – in the office and in our industry.”

This value is brought to life within White Associates through opportunities to work across different departments, by being exposed to a variety of projects and clients, as well as at client networking events, which are open to all. We also encourage people to feel accepted, connected and included at work through our Coffee Club, creating lunchtime dining together, and by holding in-house yoga sessions, Friday drinks, and office competitions.


“To us commitment is about always putting people first: our team, our clients and our partners,” says Brett Zeiler. “It is about having and showing confidence in our people – their specialist training, team collaboration and support, positivity, communication, and dedication.

“This has the positive flow-on effect of maintaining integrity and following professional, moral ethical standards, and in giving our clients assurance in the quality of our service.

“Our diligent processes and continuous improvement enable us to uphold our good reputation through meeting expectations – of ourselves, our clients, and our project partnerships. It is through our belief and commitment that we continue growing from strength to strength.”

Brett adds that examples of commitment in action start for our people by being available, punctual, and professional. “It is then also about doing what is best for each project, tailoring solutions rather than what is easiest, and always being flexible and responsive to client needs. Then, by investing in relationships and connections we can go beyond expectations, providing solutions outside of scope to help clients navigate their way and succeed.”

Collaboration, connection, commitment. Redefined values that are the best ways of working to keep doing what is right – for our people and our clients, so we all build stronger futures together.